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What's an In-Depth Profile?

For youth: this page is part of our series for teens in Washington State who want an active role in their own search for permanency.

Watch the video below to hear Vibe explain why an In-Depth Profile is a great way to start sharing your voice.

Vibe explains the many ways to create your own In-Depth Profile.

An In-Depth Profile is an opportunity for you to share some of your story with potential families. Hundreds of youth have collaborated with us to brainstorm and create their own projects—creatively featuring their passions, hobbies, skills, dreams, and plans for their future. No two In-Depth Profiles are the same because it’s about what you want to share.

Need some inspiration? Check out what other youth have created.

Previous: Why your voice matters | Next: What's it like to make an In-Depth Profile?