Washington state families can apply for an account to access password-protected youth profiles, resources, and events.
Don’t live in Washington? Find your state photolisting on the AdoptUSKids website. Oregon families and caseworkers may be eligible for an account on the Oregon Adoption Resource Exchange.
Registering for a family account is a two-step process. Being approved for your account may take approximately 10 business days, depending on how quickly we get your information.
Step 1: Fill out the short application below. We’ll then verify your foster care license or home study with your caseworker or licensor.
Step 2: Once we have verified your license or home study, we’ll email you a link to the family profile form to complete. While you wait for us to verify your home study or license, check out our family profile tips to help as you think about what you’d like on your family profile.
All fields are required.