Meet David

Ready for an adventure? David is! From hiking in the mountains to testing his skills at the arcade, David is always ready to get out of the house and explore. This summer he’s been spending a lot of time on the water and has really been enjoying kayaking. He also loves swimming, and what better way to wrap up a day on the water than with some great food! David really enjoys going out to eat where he can connect with the people he’s close with over a meal.

Speaking of food, David thinks he’d like to own and operate his own restaurant in the future. David is a driven kid and a hard worker. He is always seeking out ways to earn his own money and wants to get a job as soon as he’s old enough. With a work ethic like David’s, it’s pretty likely he’ll fulfill his dream and become a successful business owner one day.

David loves to be active, but he’s also happy getting some down time to watch movies and play video games. He’s great at keeping a positive attitude even when things are rough, and rocking out to music is one way he cheers himself up when he’s had a tough day. He’s been doing really well also with self-advocacy.

Starting 7th grade this year, David is a good student and does well in school. He really loves history class. He struggles a bit in math but knows it’s important for his future plans, so he tries hard. A family who would help David with his studies, encourage him, and advocate for his education would be a great match.

David wants to be adopted and would do well in any family configuration. He would do well with other kids in the house but would also be happy as an only child. David has some important relationships with his biological family that will be essential for an adoptive family to support. David is a great kid with a bright future.

If you can see him in your family, reach out! We’re excited to find David the family he deserves.

Could you see David as part of your family?