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Support LGBTQ+ youth

How we can support LGBTQ+ youth

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning (LGBTQ+) youth are overrepresented in the foster care system and face unique barriers to finding affirming homes. It’s critical that the adults around them ensure their safety, allow them to continue exploring their identity, and offer them opportunities to openly express who they are.

Speak their language

Getting up to speed on the language your youth may use is a great place to start. The LGBTQ+ community uses a variety of terms to identify themselves and every person is unique. Show youth that you value who they are and lift some of their burden of explaining by educating yourself first. Always ask and respect how youth identify and own up to any language mistakes you may make.

Brittney shares about the importance of supporting LGBTQ+ youth.

Know that youth may not be open about their identity yet

Just because a youth may know that they identify as LGBTQ+, doesn’t mean they are ready to share that information with people in their life. For youth in foster care, there is an elevated risk that their environment is not a safe place for them to openly be their authentic selves. As their caseworker, be mindful that you may be working with LGBTQ+ youth even if you aren’t aware of it. It may also be true that a youth is open with you but doesn’t want that information shared with others—caregivers or potential future homes. Regularly ask youth how you can safely support their identity and their privacy, on their terms.

Ask youth how you can better vet potential homes

It’s not always easy to identify how a potential family would, or wouldn’t, support an LGBTQ+ youth in their home. Youth know best the type of acceptance and affirmation they need to feel safe and supported. Ask them what sort of questions they would have for a home to better shed light on a potential fit. It’s also important to differentiate between homes that would just tolerate a youth’s identity and ones that would outwardly affirm them. Neutrality in a home can be interpreted by youth as a negative—that a family wouldn’t be supportive.

Let youth speak for themselves

If a youth openly identifies as LGBTQ+, that information may be shared in a number of places that potential homes can see—a public-facing profile, a placement summary, case notes. Youth should always have the ability to review and approve how personal information is shared and phrased. Because finding an affirming future home is so critical to a youth’s well-being, hearing directly from youth is powerful and impactful and can create strong initial connections with potential families. Offer them opportunities to share directly—through video, audio, writing, or any other forms of expression—so the first introduction a potential home receives comes straight from them.

Regularly check in

Consistently checking in with youth is the best way to ensure you are using their preferred language and reflecting their authentic identity. Identities are ever-changing and adolescence in particular is a stage of life when youth are growing and learning more about themselves. Youth may be entering more accepting spaces which allows them to explore their identities further. What they may have shared previously might not be who they are today. Check-ins are also valuable to ensure that a youth’s community is respecting their identity and addressing them properly (e.g., pronouns, chosen name).

Tell youth their rights

Youth living in foster care often don’t know the extent of their rights. This is compounded by a sense of powerlessness as they are moved from home to home and decisions get made by adults. For LGBTQ+ youth, it can be particularly empowering to read that their gender, orientation, identity, and pronouns are all protected in Washington State. They have the right to be themselves, be safe, and be treated with fairness and dignity. Even if they’ve heard that message before, it can be impactful to see it in writing. They may also appreciate seeing that there are laws that require foster parents and caregivers to support and affirm them. Use these interactions as an opportunity to double down on your commitment to finding a home that honors and respects those essential parts of themselves.