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Support neurodivergent youth

How we can support neurodivergent youth

"Traditional” opportunities for engagement are often not created with neurodivergent youth in mind. However, there are ways to authentically engage neurodivergent youth in their own permanency efforts, and all youth deserve those tailored opportunities.

Always use affirming language

Language to describe neurodiversity, and neurodivergent youth, continues to change and evolve. Remnants of outdated terminology—or at least terminology that needs a refresh—are everywhere. When we commit to more respectful, honoring language, it changes how we view and talk about youth in all settings—internally and externally. The more specific we can be describing youth, rather than generalized wording, the more personal our language is. Consider the infographic below:

Affirmative language with neurodiverse youth. Older language: disordered, normal, low functioning, high functioning, mute or nonverbal. Newer language: neurodivergent, neurotypical, higher support needs, lower support needs, non or minimally speaking, non-vocal, or AAC user. Ask them: on the spectrum, autistic youth, youth with autism.

Furthermore, when we put intention into the words we use with youth, they are better represented for their whole self, rather than a broad sum of descriptors or diagnoses. Kids can be known for what makes them unique. Potential families are able to understand youth in a deeper way. Check out the infographic below for how this shift can happen:

Reframing neurodiversity to better represent and respect youth. Referring to a spectrum implies a linear scale, so we assume there is one linear range of severity. But there are many, like a color wheel with varying shades within each color, representing: sense of self-movement, communication styles, emotional intensity and expression, repetitive movement and sensory seeking, developing relationships, executive functioning, special interests, internal sense of body and emotions, sensing the outside world, and a sense of self-movement.

Provide info in the way youth can receive it

Small efforts can go a long way toward tailoring engagement to fit youth, ensuring their understanding of permanency meets where they are developmentally. When talking with youth:

Cater to their communication strengths

Every youth has a preference for in-person visits, phone calls, or video calls. While location may determine what is most often feasible, take note of what is most successful and try to have more conversations within that context.

Bring activities, snacks, or toys to conversations

Having activities like art supplies, a favorite snack, or a small toy (like a fidget spinner) can help youth put their focus somewhere while still participating in a conversation. Ask a youth’s caregiver for tips and tools that have worked in the past.

Adapt to their learning styles

Auditory, visual, reading/writing, and physical-based learning styles all help youth retain information. Repeat conversations as needed to help their learning sink in. Connect with a youth’s school or caregivers to learn what styles work best for them.

Frame permanency with care

If the concept of permanency is a little outside of a youth’s grasp, they should still have opportunities for involvement. Be careful to not create confusion when talking about potential homes. Consider:

  • Leaning more on hypothetical discussions about potential families, until tangible ones may be identified.
  • Utilizing therapeutic activities to help them understand how a future family fits into their life’s narrative.

Brittney shares how caseworkers can better engage with neurodivergent youth.

Ensure youth are well represented—and can use their own voice

Engagement is never one-size-fits-all, this is particularly true for neurodivergent youth. How they understand permanency, or how they communicate their understanding, may vary greatly. But there is almost always a pathway for some level of engagement. To get neurodivergent youth involved and better represented, try these ideas:

  • Allow youth to share at length about a specific interest if they are creating something for potential families to view. This can them to share more freely and authentically, on topics they are comfortable and familiar with.
  • Ask connected adults to share on behalf of youth and express the qualities about them that stand out, particularly if youth aren’t able to do this themselves. Real perspectives and reflections from people who care about a youth are far more impactful than anything written.
  • Simplify the opportunity to self-advocate. The idea of an "about me” style of sharing may resonate more with youth than talk of "empowerment" or "representing themselves" in the search for a home. Reframing engagement opportunities to better fit individual youth is a great way to bring them further into the process.

Don’t underestimate youth

Making assumptions about what level of engagement youth are or aren’t capable of, before getting to know them, risks leaving them out entirely. Our own bias can minimize a youth’s understanding of permanency—and the role they can play. Every youth deserves our best efforts to engage them in permanency planning.