Meet Rey

You’re going to want Rey on your team! This athletic, energetic kid loves all things sports. His current favorites are basketball, football, soccer, and track. It’s no surprise that his favorite things to do are outside. His most recent sports-related hobby is Taekwondo. He advanced quickly and already has his yellow belt!

Rey is a helper and loves making sure everyone is cared for! In his Taekwondo class, he often volunteers to be with the younger children while they wait for their class to begin.

When he’s not practicing his many sports, Rey also likes to relax indoors by watching movies and listening to music.

Rey’s caseworker describes him as considerate of how others feel, very uplifting, good at advocating for himself, and very funny. Rey is good at making others laugh and has a great sense of humor. He loves to draw for his friends, and even made a journal for a friend who wasn’t feeling well.

In the 8th grade, it’s no surprise at all that Rey’s favorite subject is PE (Physical Education). He’s also dreaming big and thinking about his future. His long-term goal is to go to college to learn to be an architect so he can build a house when he is an adult.

Rey has a great connection with his two brothers that he would like to remain in contact with. A family who will help Rey keep his important relationships is in his best interest.

Rey’s team is excited to hear from all family configurations who feel they might be a good fit for him. While Rey is not sure about adoption, he remains open to the idea.

Can you see this athletic, funny, compassionate teen in your family? Reach out to us! We’re excited to find Rey the permanent home and support that he deserves.

Could you see Rey as part of your family?