Meet Laronica

Pick up a book and cozy up! One of Laronica’s favorite pastimes is reading — especially mystery novels! Her favorite series right now are the Nancy Drew books.

Swimming, yoga and singing her heart out are just a few of Laronica’s favorite things. Laronica finds so much joy in the world around her and spreads that joy wherever she goes.

A positive, kind outgoing kid, with a great, goofy sense of humor, Laronica values spending time with the people she’s closest to and makes new friends easily.

Laronica is starting 5th grade this year and does well in school. She enjoys the social aspect of school, bonding with her teachers and getting to spend time with friends, but she also really enjoys learning. Science is particularly interesting to her as she is fascinated by biology, learning how plants and animals grow, and would love to work in an animal-related field in the future.

She’s also athletic and loves P.E. where she’s learning yoga and gets to swim. A family who will continue to support Laronica’s education and cheer her on at school events will be a great fit.

Laronica is an all-around great kid and has said she would love a big family, but ultimately, she would just love to find the love and support she needs and desires in any family configuration. She would make a great big or little sister to other kids, and a family with animals would be a bonus!

If you can see Laronica in your family, please reach out! We’re excited to find this awesome kid the loving, fun family she deserves!

Could you see Laronica as part of your family?